Make a donation to our church
Make a difference by donating to our church and its mission
Marlborough Road Methodist Church is a place of welcome and along with Hatfield Road Methodist Church, financially supports the ministry of Anna Chaplaincy in St Albans. Keeping our wonderful building in good order and supporting our community comes with a financial cost. Do consider making a donation to our work and ministry.
Our beautiful building
A city centre landmark, our church was built in 1897 and hosts a variety of local groups and activities, music events and large community services. Repairs and maintenance are increasingly expensive. Please consider making a gift to us to enable the building to continue to be an active presence in the city centre.
Consider leaving a gift
Our church has supported members and local people for over 125 years, and holds a special place in many people’s hearts. If you have received support from Marlborough Road over the years, why not consider a gift to the church in your will?
Community Chaplaincy
Since 2021 both Methodist Churches in St Albans have financially supported an Anna Chaplain in the city, who offers care home ministry, spiritual support and helps highlight churches’ ministry to older people across the local area. If you’d like to contribute to this valuable ministry do get in touch with our Treasurer.
How do I make a donation?
If you are able to make a donation by BACS that would be the easiest way to offer your gift.
Our bank details are:
Marlborough Road Methodist Church
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Acc no: 00029275