Church groups and events
Getting together is at the heart of our church
Whether it’s on Sunday at our main service or at our groups during the week we like to get together. There are gatherings for the very young to the more mature in years, hospitality and also events like Thinking Lunch, which highlight social justice issues. Take a look at some of the various groups and events we offer below…
Chatterbox Coffee Morning
From 10.30am until midday, every Thursday in the church welcome is our friendly Chatterbox Coffee Morning. Serving freshly brewed FairTrade tea and coffee and biscuits, you are always assured of a warm welcome. Feel free to drop in and join us.
Marlborough Toddlers
Our baby and pre-school group runs every Tuesday in term time from 9.45am until 11.30am. Craft activities, toys and refreshments await you, and a warm welcome too. Come along with your little one for some fun. Find out more…
Thinking Lunches
A monthly opportunity to hear a guest speaker share their thoughts about a social or community issue. Bring your packed lunch and feed your mind. Usually runs the first Thursday of the month but do check our Facebook for up to date detail or email us to find out more.
St Stephen’s Fellowship
This popular long-running fellowship group meets at people’s homes. The group shares thoughts on the session’s topic followed by refreshments. If you’d like to know more contact us.
Sunday Soup Lunch
Taking place on the first Sunday of the month at midday, Sunday Soup Lunch is a chance to gather and share lunch together. We offer three different soup options, bread, cheese and fruit. This is a free lunch but donations are welcome.
Holiday at Home
Every August together with Hatfield Road Methodist Church and our friends at St Peter’s church, we run a popular Holiday at Home event. Over 4 days we offer great food, fun and friendship. Do contact us if you’d like to book a place for this next August.